Take the League Challenge & Help Us Register New Voters
/Help us make sure no one is left out. In order to get all eligible citizens to the polls on Election Day, the League of Women Voters needs YOUR help! Research tells us that personally asking people to register and vote is the single-best thing we can do to help more Americans participate.
Voter registration is the key to engaging all Americans in the political process. Did you know that close to 75 percent of Americans who are registered to vote make it to the polls in major election years? Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 4 Americans is not registered to vote. Imagine what our communities and country might look like if every single eligible American was registered to vote.
Ask them to get registered and remind them that together our votes will influence the policies and issues that are addressed by the newly elected officials. These elections are about our jobs, our health, our communities and our future. They’re about us and we all need to weigh in.
Thank you for Making Democracy Work® during this important election year.