Ashland County Reads: VOTE! A Civic Engagement and Community Book-Reading Project!
/Thanks to the contributors listed near the end of this post, and the technological magic of Christine Rybak of the UW Extension’s Educational Technology Department, we have this 20-minute movie of the book E is for Election Day!
Project Co-Sponsors
League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties
Ashland County Public Libraries:
Madeline Island Library, LaPointe
Legion Memorial Library, Mellen
Vaughn Library, Ashland
UW Madison Division of Extension—Ashland County Community Development
“Many thanks to everyone for participating! “Ashland County Reads” will likely be an ongoing book-reading project I’ll continue with other topics that you may be interested in. I also plan to do a similar election-related theme with Bayfield County elected officials before the April county and local elections.
All best, and keep reading and encouraging young ones and older ones to vote,”