LWV Article for The Bottom Line News and Views November 2019
/By Anne Chartier, President, League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties
Wisconsin Family Farm, Photo by Mary Dougherty
Proud Wisconsinites have a number of shared Mantras:
State Motto: Forward
Fight Song: On Wisconsin
Sunday Afternoon Cheer: Go Pack
License Plate: America’s Dairyland
Sustainable Food Philosophy: Know Your Farmer
It is these last two that express an understanding of where food comes from — our small family farms. This includes the place our world-renowned cheese begins, as does much of the food we all depend on.
Sadly, our farms represent a segment of Wisconsin economy and working class that has been struggling as a result of economic inequality. There are numerous State and Federal policies that our farmers cite as contributing to negative margins and the alarming loss of family farms in Wisconsin. Wisconsin lost another 42 dairy farms in July, and since January 1, has lost 491 farms, a 9% closure rate. In 2018, the state lost 691 farms, a rate of decline of 7.9%. Over the last decade the state has lost more than 5,000 farms, or 40% of its licensed dairy farms. (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection)
The Farmers Union reports that costs associated with health care are a major expense for both established and startup farm families. Farmers have notoriously been cautious regarding the reliability of government sponsored safety net programs. Their experience and consequent votes have reflected this disappointment. Their experience with Badger Care, however, is changing the picture. Recently, Wisconsin farmers have been reconsidering and are now supporting the Badger Care expansion.
One farmer from Shulsburg, WI relates “I want our legislature to know that making health insurance affordable is one of the best ways to support farmers and other small business owners.” Another Custer, WI startup farmer indicates that being eligible for Badger Care was critical in their ability to establish a positive bottom line. “We encourage Wisconsin legislators to accept federal funds to make Badger Care available to more people in Wisconsin. Please consider how access to health insurance supports farm families and businesses in our state, and what outcomes you like to see for some of the hardest working people in Wisconsin.” (Wisconsin Farmers Union News, June 2019)
A strong Wisconsin economy is dependent on farms and small businesses showing a positive margin. We as consumers are dependent on their success. The growing support in this sector of our working class is clearly tied to Badger Care and its expansion. Hard working citizens are making a statement in recommending acceptance of federal monies which will make affordable health care insurance possible and ultimately support economic stability in Wisconsin.
The League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties concurs with farmers and encourages you to join us in recommending Badger Care expansion.
The League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties is a nonpartisan organization, dedicated to Making Democracy Work through voter education, consensus building on issues, issue advocacy, and citizen participation in the Democratic process. Find us at www.lwvabcwi.org, on Facebook @ABCLWV, or email us at info@lwvabcwi.org.