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Bell Ringing Statewide to Celebrate 19th Amendment Centennial and Local Celebrations, Too!


Please join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, our twenty local Leagues and citizens throughout the state in a celebratory ringing of bells at noon on August 26 to recognize the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, just as was done statewide in August of 1920 to celebrate women's enfranchisement. Wear white in honor of the suffragists and post photos and videos on social media of your bell-ringing using the following tags #WomensVote100 and #WIVotesForWomen and #BIGHistoryIsHappening as described in the event flyer


Dear League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties Members and Friends,

Let's Celebrate!  Let the Bells Ring!

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On Wednesday, August 26th we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote!! 

Across Ashland and Bayfield counties, and in Hayward, local churches will be tolling the bells 19 times at 12 noon to recognize this significant event. 

We encourage all to ring your own bells, toot your car horns, post signs and in general make a happy ruckus to celebrate!

League Members and Friends are Invited to Participate in
Car Parade (Ashland, Bayfield or Washburn)
or a
Votes for Women March (Hayward)

These events are happening across four of our cities:  Ashland, Bayfield, Washburn and Hayward on Wednesday, August 26th. 

The parades and march will be non-partisan. Participants are asked to decorate their cars to commemorate the anniversary using the colors purple, gold, and white. You can use signs, ribbons, decorations, etc... all we ask is that you do not promote, endorse or oppose a political party or candidate. You are encouraged to wear white as much as possible and in time period dress if you wish! 

We will be operating this celebration in a socially safe way and ask that participants wear masks when in public areas and maintain safe social distancing.   

In Ashland, the Ashland Chamber of Commerce is partnering with us to set this up and we will may have the police and fire department leading the parade. We have also invited local government officials to participate in a non-partisan way.

Car Parades

Bayfield, 12 noon — meet at Eckels Pottery Shop at 11:30 am

Washburn, 12 noon — meet at the library at 11:30 am

Ashland, 4 pm — meet at Main Street and Beaser Avenue at 3:30 pm

Votes for Women March

Hayward, 11 am —  Meet at 11am at either the library Hwy 77 gravel parking lot or Chamber parking lot at Hwy 27 & 63. 


decorate your car, yourself, make some signs and come out to support this momentous occasion. 

If you are able to participate, please confirm with me (with which location you will be participating) so we know how many participants to anticipate.

I truly, truly hope to see you at one of our parades or march!  

VOTE Face Masks

Want a VOTE face mask? Buy one for yourself, family and friends!  We will have beautiful, hand-sewn VOTE masks for a donation of $10 per mask at the four locations. The Chequamegon Mask Makers, who designed and sewed masks for healthcare workers, sewed these for the LWVABC. It's a great way to get the message VOTE out as you do your daily routine. Did you know that the volunteers of this organization sewed and distributed over 6000 masks to Bayfield and Ashland County healthcare facilities? Check out this website to learn more: —see mask making page.

Let's Be Safe and Responsible!

As you can imagine, planning all of this in a safe way in light of the pandemic has been a challenge.  I feel the Centennial Planning Committees (Ashland, Bayfield, Washburn and Hayward) have done an excellent job of preparing safe events that will be celebrated in a joyous way within our communities.  We encourage you to celebrate this significant milestone in the way that works best for you!  Let the bells ring!

With warmest regards,
Sue Niemi, President, League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties