City of Bayfield Common Council Alderperson Hybrid Candidate Forum*
Tuesday, March 14 - 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Bayfield Pavilion 2 East Front Street, Bayfield
Bill Bland Diane Fizell
Liam DelMain Lynette Cornelius
Please email questions before and during the forum to:
Those attending in person will be able to submit questions on index cards supplied and collected by volunteers.
Please click this URL to join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 839 7765 3297 Passcode: 1234 or call: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
*Provided at least two candidates are able to participate.
At you may find the candidates’ verbatim responses to a (LWV/ABC) questionnaire.
The League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties is a nonpartisan political organization whose main objective is to promote political responsibility through the informed and active participation of all in government at all levels.