Our Annual Lively Issues meeting is the start of the League process for selecting potential topics for a League study.
It will be held Wednesday, January 18, 6:30-8pm at the Washburn Public Library lower level.
During the meeting, we will ask everyone to offer local issues and topics of concern.
After discussing these in the context of our current positions we will recommend topics for further study, education or action.
In this context, we will also:
share information about state and national programs
review our current positions as they relate to the continuing active work on Natural Resources and Voter Services
This is a great opportunity for existing members to dig further into the substance of our work and for potential future members to learn more about your League of Women Voters! So come join us.
Here’s the Zoom link if you can’t be there in person:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88610031557?pwd=V29OQ3MrZ2Z4YjRUb2N2QlV4blJNQT09
Meeting ID: 886 1003 1557
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