January 29, 2020
6 PM
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center
Speaker/Panel Response (local/stakeholders)/Audience Participation
Goal: identify key issues candidates should address in their platforms.
“Dear Members and Friends,
I am delighted to share with you the details about a community program sponsored by our Inequality Action Committee.
On January 29 the League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties presents: “Health Care the Ills and the Remedies”.
This action-directed event will be held at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center at 6 PM.
Dr. Dorothy Skye, MD who is president of the League of Women Voters Northwoods will begin the presentation. A response panel of local health stakeholders will lend a view of the challenges facing providers, businesses and consumers. This will be followed by audience participation.
All are welcome!
The action-based program endeavors to identify key health concerns which informed voters need to keep in mind when analyzing platforms for the upcoming election. Ultimately, our hope is that the public voice will be positioned to demand that those elected will truly represent their constituents and act to assure quality health care be available to all citizens. The outcomes for many indicators of health (e.g. maternal and infant mortality, cardiovascular disease, etc.) place the U.S. poorly among developed countries. We CAN turn this around as informed vocal citizens working with elected officials!
I look forward to sharing the evening with you on January 29.
With healthful wishes,