Next Meeting
Wednesday, December 17
5:30 pm
Vaughn Library - Ashland
Hi All,
Below please find the Minutes from our November 18th meeting. For those of you who could not make that meeting, we have also attached the proposed Study Outline, Timeline and beginning Resources List which were handed out at the meeting.
For our December 17th meeting we decided to further discuss the general issue of economic inequality in the US. We also chose to read one of the current books on the subject and come on the 17th with a beginning list of questions we want to answer thru the Study. We will also discuss breaking into focus area subcommittees for the January meeting.
Looks like a dynamite group. This study group is open to the community so please feel free to invite anyone you know who might be interested to join us.
Look forward to seeing you on the 17th,
Linda Jorgenson and Jan Penn
Minutes Proposed Study Guide Timeline 2014-16 Price of Inequality Study Guidelines Price of Inequality Study Resources